Fuckin' 'ell
I almost burst out laughing from the sheer shock of realization that this was a
"Turning red" parody
"Eat that shit boi!" Made my day chief. Good fucking one.
I've read many a thing, brothers. Some of them I was proud of, others - not so much. But what in Satan's blood-soaked asshole did I just witness?!
I can't help but cackle to myself as I basically invented lyrics to a song

This is gayyy
But I can't look awayyyy
Alternative Title: Rise of the GIGA-chad, the man among men
Nothing beats a mix of a
good fap
and a nice chuckle
It was
actually quite deep
Rarely have a seen H mangas
take such a serious, interesting
and even more sexy rout
Franxxing in the Darl:
EvanGuren Lagelion
I have a feeling
that for compliment sake
more of such works would be good
A little hint about anatomy
If you can pull back the foreskin
all the way back

Cyan_Colibri on THE ROOM
>>44187 @ Lisa
Bet you used that name
solely for this joke
And if so, you deserve
my unbridled respect
Cyan_Colibri on THE ROOM
What as
By the way kiddies
The cover is a click bait
And that's children
how people seed domestic abuse
Bastard children and regrettable marriage

And that's how i finally made my Acc

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