>>1080710 @ Nerex
I'm here to be happy, horny, while looking at sexy stuff.

If some people see this kind of stuff as sexy and can be happy and horny, they can go ahead and do that.

I'm personally unable to do that.
>>1080698 @ Eye.on.Hentai

oh god thank you,
I have 'straight shota' favorited
apparently 1 favorited tag overwrote the fact that this has 3 blacklisted tags
Just_Browsing on
>>40627 @ Anonymous
Yeah, why cant i just get mind break with good lookimg guys.
ah yes, the "why would i question the semen, it's perfectly natural"

4/5 art
4/5 plot

Overall a solid 4 star.
I thought that it's an interesting concept and would read a longer book-length version.

Art was pretty good, for the girl atleast.
>>1068327 @ Anonymous
this person actually made me laugh, when all I'm trying to do is jerk off to cartoons
>>1068219 @ Anonymous
I've only gone through half of it, but it depends on what you consider 'bad' ntr. You could say there's no 'real' ntr, as it's all 'medical treatment'
Just_Browsing on
oneeshota is the best. fite me
Great art, but as GundamKira said, felt even more shallow than most.
Protagonist was ok looking, which is usually not che case with mind control.

5/5 art
4/5 overall
Just_Browsing on
Femdom to the extreme, a little uncomfortable for non-m males.
Art was good tho.

Browsing's ratings —
M males and S females - 4/5
Others - 2.5/5
Bad masturbation material, and not even a good read, good art ruined by a mediocre idea. 2/5
Was a good read, I don't think the pacing would be good for masturbating, but for an erotic manga, it was solid.

Decent story, good art. 4/5
Wouldn't the past perfect tense of 'sneak' be 'snuck'?

Edit: after checking, in the case of an irregular verb, snuck is correct. Sadly, irregular verbs aren't the kind of thing I wish to research at 5am, as they have no particular pattern to determine whether or not it should be sneaked in this case, I concede.
Just_Browsing on
It was good, sure.
But I don't feel good about it.
Just_Browsing on

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