8 comments (0 hidden)

heartwarming in a way...
I mean... the whole Alberta and Lene thing is sweet but...

I can't see how that sort of logic would work in an actual army. Like, get wounded in war? We'll pass you around so you can get screwed by every soldier in whatever orifices you've got for a couple years!

Like, who'd ever fight for that country then unless they were a fool or had no other chance. And in which case, what fool would serve whole-heartedly?
I gotta remember to read ALL of the tags...
It's pretty badly thought out maybe if it was that the one's fighting that got to fuck the others(those that never set foot on the battleground) but this is just stupid, it's a penalty for service
>>6748 @ Anonymous6919
Beacuse you believe with 100% certainty that your country can do no wrong
At least, it wasn't bad
Its good and sad that I couldnt even rub it out. not that I'm complaining but wow its heart warming
I mean the logics kinda flawed that the injured brave soldiers get used as a toilet but you can't lie and say women using you for sex isn't hot

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