Raphiel on When You Sleep
Added to my 'daily dose of depression' collection.
Raphiel on FAKE!
Indeed. <( ̄ヮ ̄)>
<( ̄︶ ̄)>
Raphiel on Uka / 羽化
Daaamn... that was Intense.
>>150401 @ Anonymous666
Thanks, kind stranger.
this make me want to give them the perpetuity rings...
Instantly added to fav collection.
Raphiel on Untitledz
>>150200 @ Hentai Hater
Don't forget to M3 her skill.
Aarrgghh! I need more wholesome tomboy to my fav collection.

Any recommendations?
( ꈍ◡ꈍ)
It's time to increase my Fav collection.
( ꈍ▽ꈍ)
May the Omnipotent bless you all~
Pucci. Reset. The. Universe. Now.
[Made in Heaven]
Raphiel on GRI-ZZLY
That was a wild ride(ಠ◡ಠ)
Curiosity killed the cat... or it was the Hooman?
I came looking for a Gold
and I found Astatine.

Instant Favourite.
Mein god. I don't know what to say.

ᑕ ᕼ I K ᑌ !
ᗷ E ᗩ ᗰ !
What has been seen.

Can't be un-seen.

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