Emotional/Soul draining as ever.
BronzeRobot on
What the hell just happen?
So is there going to be a sequel? Because of that ending.
>>11067 @ ALMA KARMA
I was thinking it wasn't NTR when I first read it. So who gave it the NTR tag?
A long story, a good one too...
>>11210 @ jimmystalltails
If only, maybe add a cousin, and aunt too.
What the hell happen? I got lost in all that.
That piss stuff...I don't know? Feel like that will give you a UTI or something.
Saw snuff as a tag, which keeps me away, but turns out its not that type of snuff. Its the good kind aka bad guys get killed. Thank god. Kinky.
Does this count as NTR?
The unusual eyebrows are back.
Was that Hentai Woody or whatever he's called at the end?
Who wouldn't want this?
More unusual eyebrows!

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