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Should this contribution be approved?

3 comments (0 hidden)

source link provided does not match the gallery you uploaded, probably grabbed the wrong file by accident (or wrong link, as the one you used leads to a gallery we already have on site anyway, gotta be sure to double check the pending list and existing galleries with anything Amoskandy translated because Shirou tends to upload those as well)
Didn't recognize you at first but great to see you are making progress, not entirely sure whether you grabbed the wrong file or the wrong link for this one but they're mistakes we all make.

Wrong file occasionally just happens, when you get them in bulk its easy to accidentally grab the wrong zip, file is the only thing about an edit that can't be editted (though honestly with tag imports its still easier to reject and reupload if you have the files for 2 otherwise valid uploads switched) so needs a reupload (which is also why most of your first batch was purged immediately, resizes can't be fixed in post This case Shirou immediately uploaded most of that stuff himself instead of waiting to see if you'd reupload). but it would have been a dupe if the link is correct

Dupes happen occasionally, the upload system doesn't check for alt names so it will call out 2 different galleries coincidentally sharing name as dupes more often than find real dupes, easiest way to get around that is to just do a quick check on the artist/circle tag. It also doesn't check pending list, for that you'd have to ctrl+f both name and alt name in pending list to see if someone already got to it before you.

Scanlator tag was still missing (but wouldn't have gotten it rejected unless you make the mistake consistently enough to deplete mods patience) but Its a huge step forward to just be rejected for the same mistakes our most experienced uploaders will also make once in a while.
I'll more careful next time. Thank you very much.

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